#motorcycleplaces – is made for sharing places worth to visiting on motorcycle. Created by bikers for bikers. It is free and has no ads.

If you know some cool place, that is not on the map, and want to share it’s location with motorcycle community, please follow this link.
Please note that only registered users can add new places.

Keep #motorcycleplaces in your pocket with android app:

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact via riders@motorcycleplaces.org

how do I add new place mark
where can I get coordinates
tips for dealerships and repair shops
people’s voice




If you happened to find a new cool place while riding around, and want to share it with motorcyclists community, first of all you should take couple pictures of it. Also you will need coordinates of this place, so it can be displayed on map.  Then follow to submit place via “NEW“” button on the main menu. There you will find following fields to be filled:

–  TITLE – this is where you name the place you want to add

–  DESCRIPTION – shortly describe the place here. For example the quality of the road that goes to the place (if there is any), some peculiar spots there, locals and other potentially important details. Better description means that your followers will be better prepared for what they are about to face. You can add pictures, even with you own motorcycle. If the place is just mind blowing, short youtube video can be added just by a link.

–  COORDINATES  – those are needed to show the place on map, so it is necessary. Do not know where to get coordinates of a place? Check out HERE.

–  CATEGORIES  – here you can select on what maps your place mark will be available i.e Perfect View or Camping or both.

After you filled in all necessary information about your new place, click “Publish” button, and it will be available on the maps you ticked right away. Also you can find it within other “Places”  published earlier by other users. Feel free to share the link to your newly added place with your mates.

To add a place on to the map, decimal coordinates are needed (i.e. 46.479276, 30.756411).  There are many ways you can get coordinates of a place. The easiest is to click on google maps and copy coordinates from there:

Before you publish any information about a dealership or repair shop, consider those riders who will find your place on the map. Make it convenient for them:
– submit address, for people to find you easier
–  add phone number, so riders can call you and arrange visit or request any parts available
– add couple pictures and logo, it gets more memorable
– you can add links to your site and social networks
Try walking in your visitor’s shoes and give them what they want